Controversy. That is what blogging is all about- right? I know this will raise some eyebrows and there will be people who will disagree with me. Heck- I will probably get bombarded with Linkedin agents after writing this. I just have to say it though. Are you as sick and tired of LinkedIn as I am?

There was a day where I thought that LinkedIn was the greatest thing since sliced bread. I was an early adopter. I believed, and still believe, in the power of networking. The premise of LinkedIn is terrific. It is a tool to connect with people and to find people who know people who can help you in a career search. It can be used to help sales people. It can help you just to stay in touch with former co-workers.

I remember it like yesterday when I reached the holy grail of 500 connections. I thought I was somebody. I was part of the cool club. Not many people had 500 connections when I reached it. Really, not many people were using it other than recruiters when I was using it.

Do you remember when recommendations first came out? Oh, the recommendations. It was cool to have recommendations on your LinkedIn profile. Can you remember the last time you asked for a recommendation? It has been a while hasn’t it. The reason is because LinkedIn is so wrapped up in “Endorsements”. Endorsements? Are you kidding me? I don’t even know half the people who have endorsed me. I am proud to say I haven’t once asked for an endorsement.

LinkedIn has become an empire. There is no one else like them. They are HUGE. They now are a company on a mission to make money. I don’t blame them necessarily, but it doesn’t mean I have to agree or like what they are doing.

LinkedIn is now considered a job board. Who uses Monster or Career Builder anymore? LinkedIn has convinced most every company in America the only way to find candidates is to use their product. They are finding ways daily to drive people to use the LinkedIn recruiter product.

The problem we are having is that LinkedIn has got everyone by their private parts. Recruiters absolutely have to use LinkedIn. It is the white pages of candidates. On top of that, every company, every headhunter, and every career coach is telling candidates that they have to have a top notch LinkedIn profile. So- recruiters would be stupid not to look on LinkedIn to find individuals.

So since they have us, why not make money doing it. Even as a recruiter, I am finding it difficult to keep up with all of the changes on LinkedIn. I frequently talk to my other recruiting friends to try and make sense of all of the mess that they are making. I feel like I need a handbook that comes out every couple of months to know what they are up to.

People are asking to connect for no reason just so they can have a 2nd degree connection.  As someone who receives a ridiculous amount of invitations, please give me a REASON to connect.

It isn’t just recruiters who are sick of LinkedIn. It works both ways. High Tech Candidates are so sick of being bombarded with InMail spam that they can hardly see straight. I think some just would rather delete their account than get all the ridiculous non-related job “opportunities” available.

Recruiters almost have to Spam now to get any responses. It is like that annoying telemarketing call you get at 8 PM asking you to donate money to your Alma matter. If you get a 5% response rate, what are you going to do when your manager is asking for volume of resumes though?

Lastly, and I will stop my rant. I used to enjoy going to my LinkedIn page and see what is going on. Now, I dread it. Like many leaders have said there are more eye tests, pictures of Lions, quizzes and utter crap that I don’t have time to sort through all of it anymore.

It is sad. I really liked LinkedIn. It is a terrific database. What is the answer? I don’t know.

What a great premise LinkedIn had. I wish they would put some parameters on the content going out though.

In a nutshell, they have monopolized the market and there are going to be people walking away from the tool at some point in the near future. They are just as frustrated as me.

I would love to hear your thoughts on the subject.


