Band-AidSo, you have left your job.  For one reason or another, things just didn’t work out.  It is a shame really.  You didn’t think you would be in this situation this year.  The company isn’t doing well.  The new management that was brought in sucks.  You got in a disagreement with your boss.  You got laid off.

Yes.  These things happen.  ALL of the time.

The initial reaction is almost always the same.  You are PISSED OFF.  This wasn’t supposed to happen!  You find yourself saying “I will never take a job like that again”!  You tell your friends how completely unfair the situation was.  You stew about it.  You get angrier.

Then, something happens.

You aren’t getting any responses from the jobs in which you are applying.  A month goes by.. Then two..  Then three… THEN..  “Holy crap”!  it has been 6 months.   What am I going to do?

Reality sets in.  Maybe I can’t get the job that I wanted?  Maybe I am stuck in this dead end career forever?!

Hold on.  MANAGE YOUR EMOTIONS.  Let’s talk about this for a second.

I’m going to define a word that won’t be in Webster’s dictionary.  It won’t be found on Wikipedia.

A “Band-Aid Job” is a job to help stop the bleeding when you need a job the most.  A “Band- Aid Job” is a job that may not be your most ideal job, but will be a job where you can make money quickly.  A “Band-Aid Job” is a job that is temporary until you find the job that you have ultimately been seeking.

I am a huge fan of “Band-Aid Jobs”.  If you want to hear my story, read it HERE.  Just because you lost your job and can’t find a job immediately does NOT mean you aren’t qualified to find a job.  Finding the “right job” just takes time.

Here are 7 Reasons “Band-Aid Jobs” are Good for Your Career:

  1.  You won’t deplete your savings.  Swallow your pride here.  In some instances you will get a severance.  In others, you may get paid your PTO balance.  You may get paid your commissions early.  Regardless, the quicker you get a job, the more money you can save and put away in the bank.  Rather than waiting and looking 6 months later, take a brief break and get after it.  You can use the money they give you at a time when you need it most.
  2.  You won’t have a gap in your resume.  As a recruiter, I can tell you that the longer you are unemployed the more questions will arise in the interview process.  Don’t take the first job given to you, but if you are getting declined for jobs time after time or the interview process is taking longer than you thought, it is better to have a job than no job at all.
  3.  It helps your self-esteem.  Working for someone just helps you with a positive attitude.  It is easy to get down and depressed when you aren’t working.
  4. You will meet someone that will help your career in the future.  Trust me on this.  Maybe, just maybe someone is in a similar situation to you?  It happens.  The larger your network, the easier it is to find a job the NEXT time this happens.  In this world, the chances are good that this situation may occur again.
  5. There may be promotional opportunities at a company that will lead to a job that you REALLY want.  Don’t discount this!  Sometimes you have to take a step backward to go forward.  Don’t ever say “I won’t” or “I can’t” and blame others when you find yourself unemployed for a length of time.
  6.  You can improve certain skills.  Let’s say you have been a manager or a director for a length of time.  You really want to stay at that level, but an individual contributor role is the only role available.  It may do you some good to be “in the trenches” again.  You may understand the people you will be managing better if you are actually doing the job again.
  7.  Time may not be on your side.  Sometimes the job you REALLY want takes far longer than you EVER anticipated.  If you are an executive, it could be 6 months, a year or even longer to find a job.

So, hopefully I have convinced you to take the “Band-Aid Job”. There is a time and place for them and don’t let pride get in your way.  Life happens sometimes.






